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​Outpat​ient Services

Outpatient Forms

For your convenience, fill out these forms beforehand for a faster check-in 


Woman’s issues

Focuses on the world that women find themselves in.  Specifically dealing with relapse prevention and stressors/triggers in relationships and/or parenting, while also finding support through a therapeutic environment.

Men's reasoning skills

Focuses on relapse prevention as well as criminal thinking and criminal behavior. Including interpersonal relationships, such as couples, parenting, and work stressors/triggers.

Teen group

Focuses on a group setting with teens who are able to express themselves with peers in a confidential setting. Discussion on intentional decision making and motivational interviewing modalities help to assist in finding ways of expression of self. While also working to decrease negative drama or stresses in their lives.

Anger management

Focuses on modalities in learning ways to decrease anger through relapse prevention and anger meter.  10 different methods of de-escalating anger are used to help find ways of expressing appropriate anger or emotional regulation through coping skills.

Relapse prevention

Focuses on education and therapeutic interventions on specific drugs and alcohol to help understand their origin of use and what is after sobriety. Helps one learn to cope in society and in relationships while not self medicating with a mood altering substance.

Family therapy

Focuses in on family dynamics and allowing family members to be investing in a therapeutic environment.  This is used to address painful or emotional challenges that come with life changes from a member of family using mood altering substances, to a family member not using mood altering substances.

Couple therapy

Focuses on interpersonal understanding on how to accept one’s disappointments, learning to celebrate through coping skills, and re-investing in each other while engaging in a private sober relationship.

Individual sessions

Focuses on treatment plan goals and action steps in order to meet the long term goal they have set for themselves while living a chemical free lifestyle.

Service Charges:

Keys to Success accepts most insurance providers.  When calling for an appointment, make sure you have your medical insurance card available to communicate with office staff along with the insurance number and co-payments, as well as any other necessary information. We also take private pay based on a general sliding fee rate.


Substance use disorder assessment/evaluation/intake


Group Therapy 1 hour session



Individual Therapy 1 Hour Session



Urinary analysis

If your insurance does not pay for urinary analysis (UA) drug screens you will be personally charged for this service.


Individual Therapy 30 minute session


© 2023 Keys To Success

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